Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 311
                             Augustus S. Woolley
Sussex County, SS:  The State of Delaware.
   (  )      To all to whom the Present shall come,
 ( Seal )    Greeting: Know Ye, That on the
   (  )      fifteenth day of December in
             the year of our Lord one thousand
             nine hundred and ten at Georgetown,
             in Sussex County aforesaid before
             Thomas R. Purnell, Register for
             the county aforesaid, was proved
allowed, and insinuated the last Will and Testa-
ment of Augustus S. Woolley, deceased a copy
of which is to these present annexed, the
said Augustus S. Woolley having at the time
of his death his place of risidence in the
County aforesaid and that Administration of all
and singular the goods and chattles rights and
credits of the said deceased, and of his said
Will and Testament in any manner or way
concerning is hereby granted unto Victor
B. Woolley with a copy of Will Annexed
the said Victor B. Woolley having given
obligation, as the law directs, with approved
security, and hereby becomes bond to cause a
true and perfect inventory and just appraise-
ment to be made of all singular the goods
and chattles of the said deceased, whereof
Victor B. Woolley shall have acknowledged,
and the same, with a true and perfect list of
all singular the debts and credits due or be-
longing to the said deceased, whereof he
shall have knowledge to be delivered into
the Register's office for Sussex County aforesaid,
on or before the 15th day of June next, and well and
faithfully administir, according to law, all
and singular the goods and chattles, rights and credits

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 11 June 2021
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