Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 325
            Charlotte C. Richardson
State of North Carolina}
   Anson County      }
                I, Charlotte C. Richardson of
    the County of Anson and State of North
    Carolina, being of sound mind, but
    considering the uncertainty of my
    earthly existence, do make publish and
    declare this, my last Will and testament:
      First:  My Executor herein named shall
    give my body a decent burial, suitable
    to the wishes of my friends and relatives,
    pay all funeral expenses and erect a
    suitable monument over my grave,
    at a cost not to exceed one hundred
    Dollars (100.00), and pay all of my just
    debts out of the first moneys coming
    into his hands belonging to my estate.
      Second: It is my will and desire and I
    so direct, that my executor herein after
    named, shall sell at private sale or public
    sale as to him may seem most advanta-
    geous, my tract of land lying on the
    waters of Little Brown Creek, containing
    Eight Hundred and Seventy-eight (878) Acres,
    more or less, and being the land allotted
    to me in the partition of the estate of the
    late W.R. Leak, and execute title to the pur-
    chaser or purchasers of said land, in
    fee simple.
      Third:  I give and bequeath to my beloved
    son John S. Richardson Jr, the sum of
    One Hundred (100.00) Dollars, of the moneys
    arising from the sale of lands described,
    in the second item of this my last will
    and testament, in trust for the edgucation of
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 February 2021
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