Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 338
         - John P. Davis -
 In The Name of God Amen:
    I, John P. Davis of Nampa in the
County of Canyon, State of Idaho, being of sound
mind and memory, and considering the uncert-
ainty of this frail and transitory life, do there-
fore make, ordain, publish and declare this
my last Will and Testament.
   First. I order and direct that my executor
hereinafter named, pay all my just debts
and funeral expenses as soon after my decease
as conveniently may be.
   Second, After payment of such funeral
                     devise and
expenses and debts I give,^bequeath unto my wife
Kate E. Davis all the property, real and personal,
and effects of every name and nature which I now
have, may die possessed of, or may be en-
titled to, her heirs and assigns forever, to
the exress and intentional exclusion of all of
my children.
   Third. I do by this, my will, dispose
of the custody and tuition of my children,
who shall be minors at and after my
deceased during their minority, to my
wife Kate E. Davis and do hereby appoint
her their guardian.
   Fourth. I do hereby make, constitutue and
appoint my wife Kate E. Davis, sole Executrix of
this, my Last Will and Testament, and it is my
wish and I do hereby request, that she may
not be compelled to give any bond or security
as such Executrix, or as Guardian and that she
may settle the estate in her own way, and sell
any or all of the real or personal estate, at
private or public sale, as she may think

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 June 2021
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