Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 341
                     Eliza J. Patterson
State of Michigan   }     Probate Court for said
County of Washtenaw } ss       County
      I, Dorcas C. Donegan, Probate Register
for said County, do hereby certify that I have
compared the annexed copy of the Last Will and
Certificate of Probate, In The Matter of the Estate
of Eliza J. Patterson deceased with the original
Will and Certificate now of record in the Probate
Court of said County, and that the same is a
true and correct copy of the said original Will
and Certificate and of the whole thereof
                Witness my hand and the seal of said
                Court at Ann Harbor, in said County
                this 14th day of July A.D. 1911
                         Dorcas C. Donegan
                             Probate Register
State of Michigan   } ss
County of Washtenaw }
            At a Session of the Probate Court
for said County, held at the City of Ann
Harbor, on the 7th day of July in the 1893.
Present J. William Babbitt, Judge of Probate,
In the matter of the Estate of Eliza J. Patterson
deceased. The Annexed instrument, purport-
ing to be the last will and Testament of said
deceased, having been presented for probate
by John P. Davis and this day having been
assigned by the Court by continuance for
hearing said application;
  And it appearing to the Court by due
proof on file that a copy of the order of this
Court, touching the hearing of said application
made on the 17th day of June last past, has
been duly published as therein directed
whereby all parties interested in the prem
ises were duly notified of said hearing
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 June 2021
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