Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 342
                 Eliza J. Patterson
And the proofs therein having been heard
and it satisfactorily appearing from the
evidence before this Court that said Eliza
J. Patterson, signed, published, and declared
said instrument as for her last Will and
Testament in the of four competent witnesses,
and that said four witnesses attested and
subscribed said instrument as subscribing
witnesses thereto, in the presents of said deceased
and at her request and that said deceased
at the time she so signed published and declared
the said instrument to her last will and
Testament and at the time of such Attestation
and subscribtion thereof by said witnesses,
was of full age and sound mind and under
no restraint.
   And it further appearing that said
Eliza J. Patterson last dwelt and had her
residence in, and was an inhabitant of the
City of Ann Harbor in said County and
there died; And the evidence touching
the premises being maturely considered, it
satisfactorily appears to this Court that
said instrument is duly proved and ought
to be allowed as the last Will and Testament
of said deceased.
   It is Therefore, Ordered and Decreed by said
Court that said instrument be approved, allowed
established and have full force and effect as the last
Will and Testament of said testament. And it is
further Ordered: That the execution of said Will be
committed, and the Administration of the estate of
said deceased be granted John P. Davis the Executor
in said will named who is ordered to give
bond in penal sum of Two Hundred Dollars
with sufficient sureties as required by statute in
such case made and provided.
            J. Willard Babbitt Judge of Probate

[Written in left margin:]
Sept 1st 1911.
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 June 2021
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