Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 351
               W.C. Rives
  In the name of God. Amen.
    Know that I. W.C. Rives, being of sound
mind do make this my last Will.
  First, I require that all my just debts be
paid, and after the payment of these debts I give
devise and bequeath all the remainder of my
estate and property, real and personal to my
wife Cattie H. Rives, for her own use dur-
ing her lifetime and at her death, to be
equally divided between my children, W.R.
Rives, R.B. Rives, W.T. Rives, Maggie L. Atwater
and Lizzie B. Rives or the issue of their
bodies, and I do hereby appoint my wife
Cattie H. Rives, Executrix, of this my last will
and she shall take hold without bond and
manage this property without appraisement
or sale for her own use and behalf, and
I most earnestly request my son W.T. Rives
to assist my wife and his mother, Cattie
H. Rives in the management of this property 
and also do request and enjoin the said
W.T. Rives to especially care for his mother
and her interests
  In witness whereof I have signed, sealed and
published and declared this instrument as my
last will at Alachua Fla, this 13th day of March
1899.      W.C. Rives   (LS)
Signed in presence of us }
as Witnesses             }
     S.S. Session   }
     J.L. Cloud     }

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 January 2021
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