Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 356
            William J. Roe
Proof of Will
             State of Wisconsin
       Winnebago County Court, in Probate.
At a regular Term of the County Court within
and for said County of Winnebago begun and
held at the Court House in the City of Oshkosh
on the first Tuesday of December, AD 1911.
              Present, Hon Fred Beglinger Judge,
  In the Matter of the Will of William J. Roe.
State of Wisconsin  }
County of Winnebago }  ss
              E.R. Williams one of the subscribing
witnesses being produced, sworn and examined, Says:
The instrument now shown to me, purporting
to be his Will, was signed by him at the City of
Oshkosh Wisconsin on the 14th day of February 1903
  He at the same time declared said instru-
ment to be his Will in my presence Henry
Schultheis and Jesse J. O'Brien were present at the
same time, and we severally subscribed our
names to the same instrument as witnesses in
the presence of the said William J. Roe.
  The said William J. Roe was at the time
of signing said instrument about twenty-one
years of age, and was of sound mind as I verily
Sworn to in open Court and      }
subscribed before me this 5th   }  Ed R. Williams
day of December, AD 1911        }
        Fred Beglinger Co Judge }

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 January 2021
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