Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 365
                 Christopher Hutchinson
         Be it known that Christopher Hutch-
       inson of Great Strickland in the County
       of Westmoreland. Gentleman who at that
       time of his death had a fixed place of
       abode at Great Strickland, aforesaid with-
       in the District of the Counties of Cumber-
       land and Westmoreland, died on the 16th
       day of September 1905 at St. Thomas Hos-
       pital in the City of Westminister.
         And he it further known that at the
       date hereunder written the last Will and Testa-
       ment of the said deceased was proved and
       registered in District Probate Registry of His
       Majesty's High Court of Justice of Carlisle and
       that administration of all the Estate which
       by law devolves to and vests in the personal
       representatives of said deceased was granted
       by the aforesaid Court to Margaret Hutchin-
       son of Great Strickland aforesaid widow Relief
       of the deceased and James Parkinson Shepherd
       of Penrith in the County of Cumberland.
       Gentleman the Executors named in the said
       Will Dated the 28th day of November 1905
       Gross value of Estate L 788-9-6-
         extracted by Bleaymire and Shepherd
                 Solves - Penright
(Folio 7      )       I certify that the two proceeding pages
(Exed by C.J. )       contain true copies of the Original Will of
(and H.J.B.   )       Christopher Hutchinson deceased and of record
Filed and recorded    of the Grant of Probate thereof now of
Feb 10th 1912         record in the District Registry at
                      Carlisle attatched to Probate Division of
                      the High Court of Justice in England
       In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the
       said Registry to be hereto affixed this 8th day of Nov
       1911.  William Chas Zutter  District Registry
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 January 2021
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