Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 371
          Theodeos T. Williams
Eighth I also give and bequeath to my said
daughter Eva McLenna, and direct that my
executor or executors execute due and legal
assignment thereof to her, at her option, or
collect and pay over to her, whatever sums
of money may be due to me upon a cer-
executed to me by Frank Jolly and wife being the mortgage
tain mortgage ^ recorded on page 433, Mort-
gage Record 35 office of the Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court, Alachua County Florida this be-
quest being subject, however, to the contingency
that I collect and receive the proceeds thereof
during my life-time.
 Ninth In the event of my not collecting
and receiving the proceeds of said Jolly
mortgage during my lifetime, I direct that
the proceeds thereof be paid over to said Eva McLenna,
at my death or assigned at her option, as herein-
before provided, and further that all money given
said Eva McLenna to be paid over at my
Tenth But as to the proceeds of any sale I
have made or may make of the lands described
in deed recorded page 207 Deed Book 57, afore-
said records, being the premises on which is
situated the house known as the "Yellow Front," and
hereinbefore, subject to certain restrictions, devised
to said Eva McLenna, I direct and charge that
my executor or executors place to the credit of said
Eva McLenna at the First National Bank of Gaines-
ville Florida, upon a special account in favor of
her, the said Eva McLenna at the rate of interest
not less than four per cent per annum, said
interest to be paid to and received by said Eva
McLenna, annually during the life-time of her
said husband if she out lives him, or if he the
said W.A. McLenna shall her, the said Eva
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 January 2021
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