Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 373
             Theodosia T. Williams
the same in rememberance of her mother
and me.
   Eleventh  All property herein given, de-
vised or bequeathed to my said grand children
Caswell Manning and Maugerite Manning, except
as herein otherwise in relation to any part
thereof specifically provided to the contrary
I give, devise and bequeath either or both, as
the case may be, in equal shares, that is to
say, one half to Maugerite and one half to Cas-
Tweth I hereby appoint my husband,
Hugh A. Williams as the executor of this my
last will and testament, and direct that no
bond be required of him: I give to him full
power of discretion in all matters pertaining
to my estate and the distribution thereof
hereunder, charging him, however, with
my desires in relation thereto as herein
Thirteenth The property herein and hereby
given devised and bequeathed to Caswell Man-
ning and Maugerite Manning shall not vest
in them, until Caswell Manning shall
have reached the age twenty-three years,
except as hereinbefore provided, and likewise,
excepting in addition as follows:-
In the event of the death of my husband,
H.A. Williams, before said Caswell Manning
shall have reached the age of twenty-three
years when, and at the time said Caswell
Manning shall have reached the age of
twenty-one years, he, the said Caswell Mann-
ing shall succeeded the said H.A. Williams,
as my executor, in respect however only as
to those portions of my estate given, devised
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 January 2021
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