Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 376
              Theodosia T. Williams
day of June, A.D. 1908
              Theodosia T. Williams (seal)

The above and foregoing typewritten in-
strument was subscribed by the foregoing
named testator, Theodosia T. Williams
the same time declared the said instru-
ment, so subscribed, to be her last Will
and testament: and we at her request, and
in her presence, and in the presence of each
other, have hereunto signed our names
as witnesses thereto, and have written
opposite our names our respective places
of residence.
C.A. Marks           Waldo Florida
Nettie C. League     Waldo Florida.
          Proof of Will
In The Court of County Judge State of Florida
    Estate of                Alachua County
Theodosia T. Williams
    Personally appeared before me a Notary
Public in and for the State of Florida,
C.A. Marks one of the subscribing witnesses
to the foregoing paper writing, whom being
duly sworn, declares and says that Theodosia
T. Williams did, in his presence, sign, seal,
and publish the foregoing paper writing
as and for her Last Will and Testament: and that
he the said witness signed the same as a Subscribing
witness, at the special request of said testatrix and
that the said testatrix signed said paper writing
in the presence of Nettie C. League, and this affiant
who likewise signed said paper writing, as subscribing
witnesses, in the presence and at the request of said testatrix
and also in the presence of this affiant, and that he verily
believes said paper writing to be the true Last Will and testament
of said testatrix                    C.A. Marks

[Written in left margin:]
Sworn to and
subscribed be-
fore me this
21st day of Jan 1912
A.J. Adkins
Notary Public
C.M. Ex Mch
11th 1912
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 1 February 2021
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