Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 407
                           Mary Augusta Chapman
In the matter of proving } {Surrogates Office, Bergen County,
the Last Will and        }
Testament of             }
Mary Augusta Chapman     }  Petition
         Dec'd           }

   To Earl L.D. Hester, Surrogate of Bergen County,
State of New Jersey,
      The Petition of Frank M. Chapman of Englewood
Bergen County, New Jersey, respectfully shows that your
Petitioner is a Son of and one the Executors named
in the Last Will and Testament of Mary Augusta
Chapman late resident of the City of Englewood in
the County of Bergen aforesaid, deceased, who departed
this life at Englewood aforesaid on the twenty second
day of August in the year of our Lord, nineteen
hundred and twelve. And your Petitioner further
shows that the heirs and next of Kin, etc, of the said
deceased are as follows.
  { Frank M. Chapman,    residing at Englewood N.J.
  { Edith Turner             "     " Jacksonville Fla
  { Lebbens Chapman          "     " Phoenix, Ariz Children
of deceased daughters, her only heirs and next of Kin
and all of full age.
    Your Petitioner therefore prays that said Last
Will and Testament of Mary Augusta Chapman may
be admitted to Probate, and Letters thereon granted ac-
cording to law. Dated Hackensack, September 11"
1912.                                Frank M. Chapman
       Bergen County, ss
            Frank M. Chapman, the above named
Petitioner, of full age, being duly sworn, on his
oath says the foregoing Petition is in all things Correct
and true, of his own knowledge and belief.      } Frank M. Chapman
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this eleventh }
day of September A.D. 1912                      }
             Earl L.D. Hester, Surrogate        }
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 June 2021
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