Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 411
           That Susan F. Cannon and Mary C. Bell, the other
           subscribing witnesses thereto were also present at the
           signing, sealing and publication thereof, and that they
           and this deponent subscribed their names thereto as
           witnesses in the presence of the Testatrix and of each
           other, and at the request of the testatrix, and that said
           Testatrix died more than ten days ago.
           Sworn at New Barbadoes. }    Edmerson E. Cannon
           September 11th A.D. 1912}
              Earl L.D. Hester     }
                 Surrogate         }

           Bergen County, ss
                          Frank E. Chapman, the Executor in the
           annexed writing named, being duly sworn, does de-
Petition   pose and say that the annexed writing contains the
           true last will and testament of Mary Augusta
           Chapman the testatrix therein named, deceased, as
           far as he Knows, and as he verily believes, That he
           will as Executor thereof, well and truly perform the
           same, first, by paying the debts of said deceased, and
           then the legacies therein specified as far as the goods
           Chattels and credits of said deceased will thereunto
           extend, and the law charge, That he will make and
           exhibit into the Surrogates Office of the County of Bergen
           a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the
           said goods, chattels and credits, as far as the same have
           or shall come to his possession or Knowledge, or to the
           possession of any other person or persons to his
           use, and that he will well and truly account when
           thereunto lawfully required.    { Frank M. Chapman,
             Sworn at New Barbadoes,    }
           September, 11th A.D. 1912    }
           before me, Earl L.D. Hester, }
                       Surrogate.       }   Recorded Oct 24 1912
                                               H.G. Mason
                                                  Co Judge

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 13 June 2021
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