Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 417
              Jas H. Vidal 
State of Florida     }
Alachua County       }
           Know all men by these presents
that I James H. Vidal, being in sound
health and disposing mind, do make publish
and declare this to be my last Will and testa-
ment, hereby revoking all former wills and
testaments which heretofore have been made.
1st As to my daughter, Mary Ellen Vidal
by my former wife Mary Caroline Vidal,
deceased having been fully provided for
by my policy of insurance in the
Order of Knights of Honor for the sum
of Two Thousand ($2000/00) dollars, said
policy being made payable to her at my
  It is my will and devise, after my just
debts are paid, that the whole of my property
both real and personal, that I now possess
or may hereafter acquire by inheritance
or otherwise, shall go to and shall belong to,
and the same is hereby devised and bequeathed
to my present wife Leonora Adele Vidal to
have and to hold the same for her benefit, in
fee simple absolute - In the event that my
daughter above mentioned, Mary E. Vidal
fail to receive the amount, above mentioned
insurance from the Order Knights of Honor,
she is to receive from my estate a sum
sufficient to make up the deficit, so in any
event she will receive the exact sum of
Two Thousand Dollars.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 19 March 2015
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