Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 435
            Everett S. Tomlinson
   I, Everett S. Tomlinson, of the Village of
Oak Park in the State of Illinois, being
of sound and disposing mind and memory, do
hereby make and ordain and publish this as
my last will and testament as follows viz
  To my wife Genevieve Tomlinson I give
devise and bequeath all my estate both real and
personal of every description, and wherever
situated, to be hers absolutely and at her
own disposal.
  I make constitute and appoint my
wife Genevieve Tomlinson and mu sons
Roy E. Tomlinson and Earnest B. Tomlinson
to be the Executors of this my Will, and I
direct that no bond be required of them or
either of them for their faithful discharge
of their duties as Executors except such as
may be required by law.
 It is my desire and request that my wife
should make her will and dispose as follows
of whatever may remain of my estate at
her decease. That it be divided share and
share alike between my four children
Roy E. Tomlinson, Earnest B. Tomlinson,
Genevieve M. Tomlinson and Howard H.
Tomlinson. If either of these are not liv
ing, his or her share be divided equally
amongst the surviving children and if none
are living it to be given in such manner
and to such persons as she may think best
  In virtue whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal at Oak Park Illinois this
7th day of March 1906
                   Everett S. Tomlinson  (Seal)

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 19 March 2015
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