Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 446
              Patrick J. Lynch
   I, Patrick J. Lynch, of Alachua County,
State of Florida, Priest of the Holy Roman
Catholic Church, being weak in body
but of sound mind, memory and under-
standing, and desirous to settle my worldly
affairs while I have strength and capacity
do make and publish this my Last Will
and Testament (Hereby revoking and making
void all former wills by me at any
time heretofore made.)
   And first and principally I commit
my soul into the hands of my creator
who gave it, beseaching a merciful father
for the forgiveness of my sins through
the mediation of his Son Our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ
   And as to such worldly estate where-
with it has pleased God to entrust to
me I dispose of the same as follows:-
   Item One, I direct that all my just
debts be paid by my Executor hereinafter
   Item Two. I hereby cancel and discharge any
and all indebtedness which may be due and
owing to me by St. Patrick Parish to which
I have ministered so many years.
   Item Three.  I hereby cancel and discharge any
and all indebtedness which may be due and
owing to me by the Diocese and I respectfully
request of the Right Reverend William J.
Kenny, Bishop thereof, or his successors,
that any such indebtedness due and owing
to me by St. Patrick Parish to said
Diocese to remitted and cancelled.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 March 2015
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