Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 448
                Patrick J. Lynch
  Item Ten.   I hereby bequeath and devise
all the rest and residue of my estate, real,
personal or mixed, unto my said Executors
hereinafter named, or their Successors
in office, in trust, for the following ends
and purposes:-
  That out of the rents, profits or issues there-
of, there be paid to my beloved niece, Mar-
graret Fitzpatrick, annually, such sums of
money as such rents, issues, or profits may
afford or allow, for her support and mainten-
ance, during the peroid of her natural life,
payments thereof to be made such times
and places and in such proportions as they
shall deem expedient.
  That for the accomplishment of this ends
and purpose, I hereby authorize and empower
the said Executors, or their Successors to
sell, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of any
property of which I may die siezed and poss-
essed, or of any property thereafter acquired
by them for the benefit of my estate, and
generally to make any investment of my
                      Patrick J. Lynch
property, or that of my estate as in their
judgement shall be best to carry out and
make effectual the object and purpose of this
item, and to that end no order of any Court
shall be necessary to give authority thereto.
  Item Eleven.  Upon the death of my said
niece, Margaret Fitzpatrick, the trust
hereinbefore created shall terminate and my
said Executors, or their successors, are
hereby directed to as speedly as possible

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 1 April 2015
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