Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 449
                  Patrick J. Lynch
convert all my estate into money and to
distribute the same to the children, or
their decendants, of my brother Phillip
Lynch, now of Rockfield, County Cavan,
Ireland, to the children or their decendants,
of my brother Michael Lynch, now of Agokee,
County Cavan, Ireland, to the children or their
decendants, of my sister Bridget Fitzpatrick,
now deceased, to the children, or their decend-
ants, of my sister Mary Gallagher, now deceased
and to children, or their decendants or my
sister Rosanne Riley now deceased, to each
of who, the same is hereby devised and
bequeathed, such distribution to be made per
stirpic, the said children or their decendants,
of my said brothers and sisters aforesaid, taking
the share which would be apportioned
to their ancestors, my said brother or sister,
as the case may be ad such ancestor been a
devisee hereunder.
Item Twelve.   My said Executors are hereby
requested that in the event it shall be
deemed advisable to sell and dispose of the lot,
or tract containing my present dwelling
house, to allow St. Patrick Parish of the Holy
Roman Catholic Church, the opportunity of
purchasing same, if it shall be of equal
value to my estate so to do.
  Item Thirteen:  I hereby nominate and appoint
H.E. Taylor, Lee Graham, the Executors of this
my Last Will and Testament, and in view of my
confidence in their probity, judgement and
business ability, direct that they be not re-
quired to give bond or otherwise security hereunder.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 3 April 2015
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