Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 452
                      Patrick J. Lynch
                        In the Court of the County Judge
                             Alachua County, Florida.
In Re: Estate of Patrick J. Lynch, Deceased

  Petition for Probate of Codocil Number
2 to Will of Patrick J. Lynch.
  To the Honorable H.G. Mason, County Judge
within and for Alachua County, Florida, setting
and acting as Probate Judge:-
  The Petition of H.E. Taylor and Lee Graham,
who are named as executors in the last
Will and Testament of Patrick J. Lynch, Deceased,
which Last Will and Testament was proved, allowed
and admitted to Probate and this Court on the 15"
day of December, AD 1913, respectfully showeth
unto your Honor that at the time and date
of the death of the said Patrick J. Lynch he
left as a Codicil to the said Will, which has
been admitted to probate as aforesaid, the
          "Codicil No 2"
  "Of stock share of San Jose Land & Colonization
Company I leave 10 to my brother Michael liv-
ing in Aghekee Co Cavan Ireland and 10 shares
of paid stock to my brother Phillip living in
Rockfield Crossclough P.O. Co Cavan Ireland
4 shares of said stock to Fr Maher Jackson-
ville Fla.
          "P.J. Lynch
And 4 to Fr Patrick Barrey South Jacksonville
two 2 to Frances DePass Gainesville Fla and to
my nephew Patrick Fitzpatrick 10 shares
Gainesville Fla whom I appoint as Secretary

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 2 May 2021
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