Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 453
                 Patrick J. Lynch
of San Jose Land and Colonization Co until
a Secretary be appointed at Annual meeting
of stockholders of said County.
                         P.J. Lynch
  I further leave to my brother Phillip
Lynch Rockfield Crossclough Co Cavan Ire-
land 500$ Five Hundred Dollars due me
by Mrs Minnie Jackson White Springs, Ham-
ilton Co Fla Her note drawn 8 per cent
interest All that remains to P. Fitzpatrick.
                      P.J. Lynch
  To WmLenilan leave 3 shares, To Rev W.B.
Golden leave 3 shares in Land and Colonization
                     P.J. Lynch"
  That the said Codicil was duly executed and
written by the said deceased with his own
hand, duly signed by him, and has reference
to and devises therein only personal property,
and is therefore in conformity with the Statute
of the State of Florida in relation to devising
personal property. And your Petitioners
believe, and herewith declare that the hand-
writing of the said deceased is genuine
and that his signature thereto is genuine.
  And your Petitioners further show unto
your Honor that prior to the death of the
said Patrick J. Lynch and after he had written
and signed the said Codicil No 2 above recited
the same was read over to him in the pres-
ence of M.H. DePass, Earnest Molnar and others,
and we attach hereto as a part of this Petition,
the Affadavit of M.H. DePass and Earnest Molnar
in proof of the said Codicil.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 2 May 2021
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