Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 463
            Thomas B. Tillis

  I, Thomas B. Tillis of the town of
Waldo Alachua County State of Florida,
  I give and bequeath to my wife, Hettie
Tillis all the household goods and furniture
of all description and all the land appurtain-
ing to the same that I hold deed to and
live stock also my interest in the stock
of general merchandise after the debts
are paid also the money that she may
have in her possession at the time of
my death after paying to our heirs the
following sums to wit -
  W.S. Tillis, L.D. Masters, S.E. Alverez and
B.W. Tillis one hundred dollars each.
To our grandchildren fifty dollars each.
  This will to take effect at once after my
death and remain in full force and virtue
during my loving wife's lifetime then I
give and bequeath to my son W.S. Tillis, the
store house and lot and goods that are paid
for also lots one and two Farrell's second add-
ition to the town of Waldo less the lot
deeded to B.W. Tillis.
  Then I appoint W.S. Tillis my agent to
take charge of the estate and divide equally
between the heirs of my body without cost.
  This is the Will of your loving father this
15th day of July 1907.
                                   T.B. Tillis
W.A. McLenna  }
J.J. Hicks    }  Witnesses
J.L. Neel     }

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 March 2015
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