Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 464
                 Sarah Vose Nichols
  I. Sarah Vose Nichols, wife of John G.
Nichols of Gainesville, Florida make this
my last Will.
  1st I give, devise and bequeath my estate
and property real and personal as follows,
that is to say:-
  2nd I give to Clarence Vose Burrage,
the husband of my daughter Alice Elizabeth
One Thousand dollars ($1000)
  3rd I give to my nephew Charles Taylor
Pierce Five Hundred Dollars ($500)
  4th I give to each of my five nieces
Edith Nickerson                          $500
Margaret Abercrombie                     $500
Helen Rogers Nott                        $500
Alice Rogers                             $500
Marion Rogers                            $500
          Five Hundred Dollars,
  5th I give to my daughter Alice Elizabeth
Burrage Twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars.
Also all money that I have in the
Providence Industrial Trust Company at
the time this Instrument goes into effect,
Providence Rhode Island
  6th I give to my grand daughter Alice
Vose Burrage my gold watch and chain.
  7th I desire my executors to invest the
sum of Three Thousand dollars ($3,000) at a
rate of not less than Four per cent interest,
On the first day of every month I desire
them to pay out of the aforesaid interest,
Ten Dollars ($10) to Matilda Willis during her
life. If the rate of interest be greater than Four
per cent, I want the surplus of interest to be

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 April 2021
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