Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 468
               John G. Nichols
  7th I give to the Unitarian Society of King-
ston, Massachusetts the sum of One thousand
($1000) dollars, as a fund in trust the interest
to be applied to the support of said Society
as long as said Society remains and is
conducted as a Unitarian Society; but, if it
should become other than Unitarian the
aforesaid fund shall be paid to the American
Unitarian Association of Boston Massachusetts
to be added to the aforesaid fund.
  8th The balance of my estate, both real and
personal, I give to my beloved wife Sarah
Vose Nichols, for her use during her life and
with the privilege of disposing of it by Will 
according to her best judgement;
  9th If my wife Sarah Vose Nichols, should
not be living at the time this instrument
goes into effect, it is my wish that the
aforesaid balance shall be given to my
daughter Alice Elizabeth in trust, the income
of which she is to have during her life,
absolutely free from any interference of her
husband or of any one else, to do with as
she wishes and at her death the aforesaid
balance with its increase if there be any
shall be divided equally among her children.
If she has no children she shall have the
privilege of disposing of it by will according
to her best judgement.
  10th I hereby appoint my wife Sarah Vose
Nichols as Executrix and Trustee and my Henry F.
Dutton and my son in law Clarence Vose Burrage,
Executors and Trustees under this Will and it is my

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 April 2021
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