Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 476
                  Jesse C. Clarke
                Will        Co
    I, Jesse C. Clark of Alachua^& State of Florida
being of good health, sound mind & disposing
memory & realizing the uncertainties of
this frail & transitory life, I do hereby make,
publish, ordain and declare this my
last will and Testament hereby revok-
ing all other former wills & cordicils
by me made.
  I order & direct that after my death
all the expenses of my illness (if any)
funeral expenses and all my just
debts be paid with convenient speed.
I will and direct that my executor, here-
inafter named, collect all the Insurance
on my life in which my daughter
Lillian B. Clarke is the beneficiary, and
that she take charge of all my cash
in banks, real & personal estate,
mortgages &c to hold, use, manage,
invest & dispose of as hereinafter
designated, that is to say, I further
give devise & bequeath to my daughter
Lillian, all of my estate, both real, per-
sonal and mixed which may be found
in my name in the State of Florida,
and also my interest in notes & mort-
gages given me by Grover L. Wilkins for
a farm known as The Crenshaw place in
the County of Mecklenburg State of Va
which amount^this day   $1,700.00.
  I further give devise and bequeath to my
sister Rosa Carroll, and my brother Marcus
A. Clarke jointly to be divided half & half,
my entire interest held by me in the

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 24 April 2021
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