Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 477
               Jesse C. Clarke
shape of a mortgage on the home of
my sister Rosa Carroll in Norfolk
County State of Va in which she
now lives. I further give, devise &
bequeath to my brother Marcus A. Clarke
that certain piece, tract, or parsal of
land (I bought of J.F. Hodges & wife) situated
in Norfolk County, State of Virginia, I
further feel that I am indebted to my
mother Dora K. Clarke & sister Eula
& for same I wish to say I have made
payable to them (in their names) a part
of my life insurance, which I wish them
to collect have and hold for their own use.
  I hereby make constitute & appoint
Eula B. Clarke, my sister of the State of
Fla to be the Executor or Trustee of
my estate & this my^Will & Testa-
ment, And it is my will and desire
that she serve without bond and I hereby
give her the right to handle, control
& dispose of my estate as she deems
best for the benefit of my daughter Lillian,
without order of court or other form-
ality of law.
  I further devise that when my dau-
ghter Lillian becomes 21 years old that
my Executor, or trustee (Eula B. Clark), shall
settle in full with her and thereby take
a full receipt.
In witness whereof, I the said Jesse C. Clarke,
have hereunto set my hand & seal to
the above written instrument consisting of
3 pages & hereby publish & declare the same
to be my last Will & Testament. This 23rd day of
Dec in the year of our Lord 1912.  Jesse C. Clarke (Seal)
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 April 2021
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