Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 485
                      John B. Dell
the share and interest they are entitled to
and that if in the judgement and discretion
of my Executors any part of my estate
so left my children can not be equitably
divided and apportioned among them, then in
such event they sell such part and divide
the proceeds, such sale to be made as they
see fit, except as to my store building and
lot situated on the east side of the Public
Square in Gainesville, Florida, the same to
be held by them as hereinafter provided.
  Fourth, It is my will and desire that
my store referred to in the proceeding item,
shall not be sold until it brings not less
than twelve thousand dollars.  That my
Executors shall have the charge and control
of said store until sold and that the rents and
profits coming therefrom, after the payment
of all taxes, insurance and repairs and ex-
penses necessary to keep the same up, that
such net profits shall be apportioned equally
between my children, and that such apportion-
ment shall be made within a reasonable
time after the payment of rents or other
payments thereon.  That my Executors shall
keep said store insured for the highest amount
up to the value of the building that the same
can be insured for and in the event of
loss by fire the same shall be rebuilt
with the money derived from insurance.
  Fifth, I hereby nominate and appoint
my two sons Charles M. Dell and James
B. Dell to be the Executors of this my
Will and desire that be required to give
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 February 2012
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