Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 495
             Sarah Vose Nichols
  In the death of of Matilda Willis, I want
the aforesaid Three Thousand ($3,000) dollars to
be reinvested for the benefit of of aforesaid
Alice Vose Burrage: the principal with its
accumulations to be given to her on her 30th
birthday, April 29th, 1942, to use as she pleases
without any interference from any husband
she may have or any one else.
  8th. The balance of my estate both real and
personal, I give to my husband John G. Nichols
for his use during his life time and to dis-
pose of at his death as he sees fit.
  9th.  If my husband John G. Nichols, should
not be living at the time this instrument
goes into effect it is my wish that the aforesaid
balance shall be put in trust for my
daughter Alice Elizabeth she to have the income
during her life free from any interference
from any husband she may have or any
one else. At her death the aforesaid balance
shall be equally divided among her children.
  10th. I hereby appoint my husband John G.
Nichols of Gainesville Florida and Clarence Vose
Burrage of Warpole Massachusetts executors
of this my Will and it is my wish that they
shall not be called upon or required to
give bonds for their faithful execution thereof.
  11th. In Witness thereof I have signed and sealed
and delivered and published this instrument
and declared the same as and for my last
Will at Gainesville, Florida on this the Seven-
teenth day of December One Thousand nine
hundred and twelve.
                    Sarah Vose Nichols (Seal)

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 20 June 2021
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