Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 497
           Sarah Vose Nichols
To The Honorable The Judge of The Probate Court
in and for Suffock County:-
Respectfully represents John G. Nichols of Gaines-
ville, Florida and Clarence Vose Burrage of
Warpole in the County of Norfolk that Sarah
Vose Nichols who last dwelt in ^ Gainesville,
Florida died on the ninth day of May in the
year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred
and thirteen possessed of goods and estate re-
maining to be administered, leaving as hus-
band her only heirs-at-law and next of kin, the
persons whose named residences and relation-
ship to the deceased as follows, viz:-
    Name                 Residence           Relationship
John G. Nichols       Gainesville, Florida    husband
Alice Elizabeth Burrage, Warpole Mass.        daughter
That the greater part of said goods and estate are
within this Commonwealth and in this County and
all parties of legal age interested as next kin and under
the will join herein in asking for original probate in
Massachusetts. That said deceased left a will herewith
presented, wherein your petitioners are named executors
and wherein the testatrix has requested that your petit-
ioners be exempt from giving a surety on their bond.
  Wherefore, your petitioners pray that said will may be
proved and allowed and letters testamentry issued to them
without giving a surety on their official bond and certify
that the statements herein contained are true to the best
of their knowledge and belief.
  Dated this twenty third day of May A.D. 1913
                    John G. Nichols
                    Clarence Vose Burrage
Suffock, ss, Subscribed and sworn to this 24th day
of May A.D. 1913

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 June 2021
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