Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 500
              Sarah Vose Nichols
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Suffock, ss.
  At a Probate Court holden at Boston, in and
for said County of Suffock on the twenty-sixth
day of June in the year one thousand nine
hundred and thirteen.
  On the petition of John G. Nichols of Gaines-
ville Florida and Clarence Vose Burrage
of Warpole in the said County of Norfolk,
praying that the instrument therewith
presented, purporting to be the last will and
testament of Sarah Vose Nichols late of said
Gainesville Florida deceased leaving goods
and estate in said County of Suffock nay
be proved and allowed, and letters testamentry
issued to them the executors therein named:
without giving a surety on their bond;
and the heirs-at-law, next-of-kin and all other
persons interested, having been notified accord-
ing to the order of the Court, to appear and show
Cause, if they have, against the same: and no
party objection thereto, and it appearing that all
the heirs-at-law and next of kin of said deceased
have agreed that said instrument may be
proved without taking the testimony of any of the
attesting witnesses thereto and it appearing
that said petitioners are competent persons to
be appointed to said trust:
  It is Therefore Decreed that said instrument
be approved and allowed as the last will and testament
of said deceased, and letters testamentry be issued to
said petitioner.
  They first giving bonds without sureties, for the
performance of said trust.
              Elijah George  Judge of Probate Court

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 June 2021
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