Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 502
                Sarah Vose Nichols
   Know all Men By These Presents,
 That I Clarence Vose Burrage of Warpole in the
County of Norfolk in the Commonwealth of Mass-
achusetts, am holden and stand firmly bound and
obliged unto Robert Grant, Esquire First Judge
of the Probate Court in and for the County of Suffock,
in the full sum of one hundred and twenty
thousand (120000) dollars, to be paid to said Judge and
his successors in said office: to the true payment
whereof I bind myself and my heirs, executors and
administrators, by these presents, Sealed with
my seal and dated the twenty-eighth day of June in the
year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
thirteen. The Condition of this Obligation is Such,
that if the above-bounden Clarence Vose Burrage executor
of the last Will and testament of Sarah Vose Nichols late
of Gainesville Florida deceased testate, shall
First make and return to said Probate Court, within three
months after his appointment, a true inventory of
all the real and personal estate of said deceased which
at the time of the making of such inventory
shall have come to the possession or knowledge of
said executors;
Second administer according to law and to the will of
said deceased all the personal estate of said deceased which
may come to the possession of said executor or any
person for him, and also the proceeds of any of the
real estate of said deceased that may be sold or
mortgaged by said executor: and
 Third render upon oath, a true account of his
administration at least once a year, until his trust
is fulfilled, unless he is excused therefrom in any
year by said Court, and also render such account
at such other times as said Court may order.
 Then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain
in full force and virtue.    Clarence Vose Burrage (Seal)
Suffock ss, June 26" A.D. 1913, Examined & approved
                    Elijah George
                                 Judge of Probate Court
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 26 June 2021
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