Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 521
              John G. Nichols
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Suffock, ss.           Probate Court.
  (Seal)          To Henry F. Dutton of Gainesville Florida
                  and Clarence V. Burrage of Warpole
                  in the County of Norfolk and Common
                  wealth aforesaid.
   You are appointed executors of the last will
and testament of John G. Nichols late of said
Gainesville deceased, testate, which will was
proved and allowed on this day, by said Court,
and is now of record in this Court; from
the date hereof, a true inventory of all the real
and personal estate of said deceased which
at the time of the making of such inventory
shall have come to your possession or knowledge
  To administer, according to law and to the will
of said deceased, all the personal estate of said
deceased which may come to your possession,
or that of any person for you, and also the
proceeds of any of the real estate of said deceased
that may be sold or mortgaged by you:-
To render, upon oath, a true account of your ad-
ministration at least once a year until your trust
is fulfilled, unless excused therefrom, in any year,
by said Court;
And also, within three months, to same notice of
your appointment to be published once in each week
for three successive weeks in the Boston Daily
Advertiser a newspaper published in Boston, and re-
turn your affidavit of having given such notice, with
a copy thereof, to the Probate Court.
Witness Robert Grant Judge of said Court, at Boston,
this twenty-second day of January in the year of
our Lord one thousand nine hundred and fourteen
             Arthur W. Dolan
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 16 May 2021
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