Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 524
                     Rachel Hudson
Will      I, Rachel Hudson, of the City of Madison,
       Dane County, Wisconsin being of sound mind
       and memory, do make and publish and declare
       this my last Will and Testament in manner
       following, that is to say:-
          First I give and devise unto my son Charles
       H. Hudson my homestead known as No 221
       North Pinckney Street in said City of Madison, and
       described as follows, to-wit: The Northwest
       Forty two (42) feet of Lot number One (1) in Block
       number Ninety-eight (98) in the City of Madison,
       Dane County, Wisconsin, according to the recorded
       plat in said City; being forty two feet on Pinckney
       Street by Sixty-six (66) feet on Johnson Street, to
       have and to hold the same to himself, his heirs
       and assigns in fee simple, absolutely and forever.
          Second:- I give and devise unto my son Fred
       L. Hudson the Southeast forty (40) feet in width
       of Lot numbered One (1) and Two (2) in Block
       Number Two (2) in Oakland Heights in the City
       of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin according
       to the recorded plat thereof: being the real estate
       conveyed to me by the Madison Realty Comp-
       any by its warranty deed recorded in the office
       of the Register of Deeds for said Dane County in
       Volume 208 of Deeds on page 6; to have and to
       hold the same to himself his heirs and assigns
       in fee simple, absolutely and forever.
          Third. I give and devise unto my daughter
       Flora Belle Hudson-Mahan my undivided half
       interest, to-wit: all my right, title and interest in and
       to the house and part of Lot number Eleven (11) in
       Blocks number one hundred Eighty-two (182) and
       One hundred Eighty three (183) in the City of Madison

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 19 May 2021
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