Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 526
             Rachel Hudson
or portions, to-wit: to each of them and
undivided third thereof; which premises
are described in a certain deed by which
the interest therein of my daughter afore-
said was by her conveyed to my said sons
and me, recorded in the office of the Register
of Deeds for said Huerfano County in Volume
58 of Deeds on page 350: to have and to hold
the same to them, their heirs and assigns
in fee simple, absolutely and forever.
Seventh:- I give and bequeath unto my
son Fred L. Hudson the principal of his
promissory note by him executed for
Fifty-four Hundred Seventy-four ($5474.00)
dollars, bearing date October 4th 1901 and
now owned and held by me, remaining
unpaid at the time of my decease, the
same drawing interest at the rate of^(6%)
per cent, per annum, payable annually: and
the principal of his promissory note by him
executed to me for Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars,
bearing date December 9th 1904 remaining
unpaid at the time of my decease, the same
drawing interest at the rate of Five (5) per cent
per annum until paid: and I hereby direct
the executor hereinafter appointed to cancel
and deliver up the said^notes or any note or
notes hereafter substituted therefor not exceeding
said amounts in the aggregate, to the said Fred
L. Hudson when and so soon as he shall
pay the interest remaining unpaid therein
to the date of such payment.
Eighth:- I give and bequeath unto my son
Charles H. Hudson the sum of Three Thousand
Five Hundred ($3500) dollars.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 May 2021
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