Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 528
                Rachel Hudson
  a. Unto my son Charles H. Hudson the
cabinet now standing in the niche on the
Northeast side of my sitting room in my
homestead, to-gether with the collection of
minerals, coins, medals, mementoes, curiosities,
rarities &c &c therein contained.
  b. Unto my son Fred L. Hudson my silver
tea set, and the framed crayon pictures of his
parents, now at my homestead.
  c. Unto my son John E. Hudson my silver
water set.
  d. Unto my daughter Flora Belle Hudson
Mahin my fine china set of dishes my gold
lined coffee spoons, my silk portieres, my
velvet circular cape and my black lace shawl.
  e.  Unto Rachel, daughter of my son Fred L.
Hudson, my piano, my watch, my Paisley shawl
and my silk quilt.
  f.  Unto Margaret and Mary, daughters of my
son Charles H. Hudson, my bookcase and books
  g.  Unto Grace Hudson wife of my son Charles
H. Hudson my fur lined circular; also my
cabinet for silver ware.
  h.  Unto Amelia Hudson, wife of my son Fred
L. Hudson, my Indian shawl,
  I.  Unto each of my grandchildren a silver
spoon and a souvenir spoon out of the spoons I
may own and leave.
  J. Unto my said three sons and daughter all
the silverware not hereinbefore disposed of and
all of my furniture, wearing apparel and house
hold articles, useful or ornamental, in equal
shares, as they may agree: provided however
that my son Charles H. Hudson before any other

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 May 2021
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