Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 531
                   Rachel Hudson
and other companies mentioned in paragraph
Thirteen herein, one third (1/3) part or portion
of the dividends actually paid on my said
interest therein hereinbefore bequeathed to
him in trust, to him as such trustee: and to pay
one half (1/2) of the balance of the residue of such
dividends to said Fred L. Hudson, his brother
and to retain the other half of such balance
for himself; and after defraying the expenses of
said trust, of every kind, to pay over the
residue of the rents, income, interest and
dividends of said trust estate to said John E.
Hudson for and during his natural life,
annually or oftener, of in the judgment
of said trustee more frequent payments
shall be to the best interest of all concerned:
my son John E. Hudson to receive a part of
such income the net rents of the real estate
so held in trust collected from the date of my
Sixteenth:- Subject to the said trust I give,
devise and bequeath all and singular the said
trust estate and property, real and personal,
unto my two sons Fred L. Hudson and Charles H.
Hudson in equal shares, share and share
alike, to have and to hold the same from
and after the decease of my said son John E. Hudson,
their brother, to them their heirs and assigns,
in fee simple, absolutely and forever; And I
hereby empower and direct said Charles H.
Hudson, trustees, upon the decease of said
John E. Hudson, my son, to pay over, transfer
and set over one half (1/2) of the personal
property of said trust estate to said Fred L.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 May 2021
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