Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 533
                    Rachel Hudson
their heirs and assigns in fee simple, absolute-
ly and forever, and subject to the winding
up of said trust estate by said trustee.
Seventeenth:-  All the legacies and bequests
hereinbefore given and made including such
as are given in trust and also the legacies to my
said son Fred L. Hudson of his indebtedness to
me, but excepting and excluding the specific
legacies and bequests given and made in
paragraph Fourteenth of this ^ will, are to be
paid and transferred only after the payment
of just my debts, funeral expenses and expenses
of administration of my estate. No legacy or
bequest herein given shall be a charge or
loan upon any of my said real estate or
Eighteenth:- In case my son John E. Hudson
or my daughter Flora Bell Hudson-Mahan shall
decease prior to my own decease leaving issue
surviving me, I hereby give, devise and bequeath
the share and portion of my estate and property
hereinbefore devised and bequeathed to such of
^ my two children last hereinbefore named as
may have so deceased, unto his or her issue,
so surviving me, by right of represintation;
if such son or daughter shall have so deceased
leaving no issue surviving me, then unto my
two sons Fred L. Hudson and Charles H. Hudson
in equal shares or portions, share and share alike,
to have and to hold the same to them, their heirs,
and assigns in fee simple, absolutely and forever
the child or children of either of my two sons
last above named, in case of his decease
prior to my own, to take the share or portion

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 May 2021
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