Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 535
              Rachel Hudson
       I, Rachel Hudson, of the City of Madison,
Dane County, Wisconsin, being of sound
mind and memory, do make, publish and
declare this as a codicil to my last Will and
Testament heretofore made by me and bear-
ing date November 3rd, 1906 in manner
following, that is to say:
  First:- My brother Orra B. Garrison is owing
me Five hundred ($500.00) dollars secured by
his certain promissory note to me for that
amount, which he shall not pay nor be held
to pay, nor any interest thereon. If I shall
not have surrendered the said note to him
in my life time as a gift, then the executor
of my said will shall so surrender the same
to him without any payment on his part.
This provision is made in lieu of my be-
quest to my said brother in and by para-
graph Ninth of my said will: I hereby revoke
the said bequest and paragraph and the amount
of the bequest so revoked to-wit: Five hundred
dollars, shall fall into the residum of my
Second:- I hereby revoke the bequest of my
fur lined circular made by me to Grace Hudson,
wife of my son Charles H. Hudson in subdivision
g of paragraph Fourteenth of my said will and
I hereby give and bequeath  my said fur lined
circular to my daughter Flora Belle Hudson-Mahan
Third:- I hereby will and direct that the execut-
or of my will aforesaid shall sell, alienate and
convey my cottage at Mendota Beach, Town of
Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, which I have
brought from Henry H. Morgan and wife since

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 May 2021
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