Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 539
                  Rachel Hudson
And I further depose and say, that said Rachel
Hudson was personally know to me, and at the
time of the execution of said Instrument, as I
have now here stated, the said Rachel Hudson
was more than twenty-one years of age and
of sound mind and understanding and was
not under any restraint or^influence, as I
verily believe.
And said J.W. Hobbins of the City of Madison
County of Dane, State of Wisconsin, being duly
sworn, on oath further deposes and says: I am
one of the subscribing witnesses to the Instru-
ment in writing now here exhibited to me
bearing date the 19th day of September A.D. 1911
and purporting to be a Codicil to the last will
and testament of Rachel Hudson, of the City of
Madison County of Dane, State of Wisconsin, and the
said Rachel Hudson, then and there acknowledged
and declared the said instrument to be his last
Will and Testament in my presence and in the pres-
ence of Wm Helm, the other subscribing witnesses
thereto and I the said Wm Helm did then and there in the
presence of the said Rachel Hudson and in the presence
of each other; and at said testator's request, severally
subscribed said Instrument as witnesses thereto.
And I further depose and say that said Rachel Hudson
was personally know to me, and at the time of the execution
of said Instrument as I^now here states, the said
Rachel Hudson was more than twenty-one
years of age and of sound mind and understanding
and was not under any restraint or undue in-
fluence, as I verily believe.
Taken, subscribed and sworn to in }  J.W. Hobbins
open court, the 4th day of        }
June 1912, before me              }
  A.G. Zimmerman                  }
          County Judge
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 May 2021
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