Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 547
             C.C. Neel
In Re the Estate of C.C. Neel
       S.M. Geiger Administratrix Cum Testimento
           Now comes J.L. Neel, one of the parties
interested in the above estate & representing all the
other heirs, and shows to the Court, that the Administratrix
having recently died, and the estate having been settled
up in full among the parties and the heirs out-
side of the Court, and prays the Court to make
an order Closing up the matter, and dismissing
all proceedings heretofore had in Said Cause there
being no necessity for an Administrator
This Jan, 20th 1915.   J.L. Neel
                            on behalf of herself who is a Mother
                            of the deceased C.C. Neel and on
                            behalf of all the heirs.

  The above styled cause coming on to be heard, upon
petition of the heirs and parties interested herein and it ap-
pearing to the Court that S.M. Geiger the Administratrix Cum
Testimento Annexo having died and the estate having been
settled in full among the parties and the heirs outside
of the Court and it appearing to the Court that there is
no further need of any administration of said estate.
  It is therefore considered ordered and adjudged
that the said estate is hereby closed and all proceedings
and administration therein be and the same is hereby
dismissed, and the Bondsmen heretofore required be and
they are hereby released.
  Done and ordered this 20th day of January A.D. 1915
                               H.G. Mason
                               County Judge

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 June 2021
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