Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 552
               hereto, in his presence and in the presence of
               each other, and written opposite our names our
               respective places of Residence
County Judge         R.A. Caswell         Alachua Fla
fee $700 pd          W.G. Stalvy          Alachua Fla
                                      In Court of the County Judge
               Estate of                    Alachua County
               Leroy N. Pearce              State of Florida
                    Personally appeared before me F.Y. Smith
               Notary Public for the County aforesaid N. Baldwin
               one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing paper writing who
               being duly sworn, declares and says that Leroy N. Pearce
               did in presence, sign seal and publish the foregoing 
               paper writing as and for his last will and testament
               and that he the said witness signed the same as a
               subscribing witness, at the special request of the said
               testator; and that the said testator signed said paper
               writing in the presence of J.T. Mizelle W.T. Prescott
               and this affiant, who likewise signed said paper writing
               as subscribing witnesses in the presence and at the request
               of the testator and also in the presence of this affiant
               and that he verily believes said paper writing to be the
               true last Will and testament of said testator.
                                    N. Baldwin
               Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of
               Nov A.D. 1914.
               (seal)    F.Y. Smith, Notary Public 

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 26 May 2021
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