Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 555
                   = Frank Brewer =
In the name of God Amen:
      I Frank Brewer of Alachua County
Florida, being sick in body but of sound & disposing
mind & memory, do hereby make and declare this
to be my last will & testament, hereby revoking
all other Wills made by me.
First:  It is my will and desire that upon my death
that my body be decently buried;
Second: It is my further will and desire that
all my just debts be paid.
Third: As to all Bonds & real estate that I die
seized and posessed of or entitled to & wheresoever
situated, I give and devise the same to Gustavo
Allen, the boy about ten years old whom
I have raised & who is now living with
I hereby appoint Jack Frye of Archer Fla
as my executor of this my will & that he
do take charge & control of said property
& Keep & house the same for the divisee, and I
request that he be allowed to qualify as Executor
without being required to give bond & without any
order of Court & Control of the real estate above
devised until said Gustavo Allen reach the
age of twenty one years.
  In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand on this Nov 24- 1914.
                         P. Frank Brewer
Executed by the Testator
Frank Brewer in our presence
& in the presence of each other, who
at his request sign the same as
witnesses  W.S. Broome
          J.W. Patton

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 25 May 2021
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