Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 563
  In Court of the County Judge, State of Florida,
In Re Estate of Caroline Price, deceased - Duval County.
  To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:
Whereas Caroline Price, deceased, late of this County.
died testate, having while she lived and at the
time of her death, divers goods chattels and
Credits within the County aforesaid, by means
whereof the full disposition and power of Gran-
ting the administration of all and singular
the goods, chattels and credits of the said
deceased and also a final dismission from
the same to the County Judge aforesaid does of
right belong: and: Whereas, The Last Will and
Testament of said deceased has been duly admitted
to Probate on this Court: Now Know Ye, that, I,
H.B. Phillips, County Judge of the County aforesaid
desiring that the goods, chattels and credits of said
deceased may be will and truly administered
and legally disposed of, do hereby grant unto
E. Price Barrett, as Administrator with the Will
annexed, full power by the tenor of these presents
to administer the goods, chattels and credits of the
said deceased, which to her in her lifetime and
at the time of her death did belong, and to ask
demand, sue for, recover and receive the same
and to pay the debts in which the deceased
stood bound, so far as the assets will extend,
according to law, And the said E. Price Barrett
having given bond and security and taken
oath, and performed all other requisite re-
quired by law necessary to his Just qualification
as such Administrator is, by order of this Court,
and by virtue of these presents, ordained,
constituted and appointed Administrator of
all the goods, chattels and credits and estate

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 28 May 2021
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