Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 573
                   James B. Bell
        Fourth: To the Trustees for the time being hereunder
        I give and bequeath the sum of Twenty Thousand
=Will=  Dollars ($20,000) But In Trust Nevertheless, to pay the
        net income received therefrom, from time to time,
        and in such sums as they may deem expedient
        to my son Samuel Robinson Bell: and upon
        the decease of my said leaving children
        surviving him, then upon the further trust
        to pay to each child who may at the
        decease of my said son be of the age of
        twenty-one years or upward, his or her proportionate
        Share of the principal of of said Trust fund
        and of any income then accrued and not paid
        over: and if any such child shall not at the de-
        cease of my said son have attained the age of
        twenty-one years, to pay from time to time
        as received, to the lawful guardian of such child
        his or her proportionate share of such income
        until such child attains the age of twenty-one
        years: and when and as each such child attains
        the age of twenty-one years, to pay over to such
        principal and of any accumulated income
        therefrom. In case of the death of my said
        Son leaving no issue surviving him, the
        principal of this trust fund and any accumulated
        income therein is to be paid over by said trustees,
        free and discharged of all trusts, in equal shares to
        my grandchildren, William Pitt Dillingham and
        Pauline Bell Dillingham.
        In case of the decease of either William Pitt
        Dillingham or Pauline Bell Dillingham
        before becoming entitled to such distribution
        the share that would have come to him or her
        as the case may be, is to go to his or her

[Written in left margin:]
James B. Bell
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 May 2021
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