Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 574
                  James B. Bell
         children. In case of the death of either
=Will=   leaving no issue surviving him or her then
         the share that would have come to him or her
         is to go to the survivor of the two.
         Fifth:  All the rest, residue and remainder
         of my property and estate, after making
         all payments hereinbefore directed, I dispose
         of as follows:
            One half of said residue I give, devise
         and bequeath to my daughter Florence Bell
         Dillingham: the other one half of said residue
         I give, devise and bequeath to my Trustees here-
         inafter named, to be held on the same trusts
         on which I have directed them to hold the
         twenty thousand Dollars ($20,000) for the benefit
         of my son Samuel Robinson Bell.
         Sixth:  I nominate and appoint my
         son-in-law, Pitt Dillingham, and Arthur L.
         Howard of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to be the
         Executors of this my Will and Trustees here-
         under: and I desire and direct that both
         of them be exempt from giving any Surety
         or Sureties on their official Bond in either
         of said capacities.
           As I wish to relieve my son-in-law, Pitt
         Dillingham, as far as may be from the care of
         details, I desire and direct that Arthur L. Howard
         be the managing Trustee and have charge of the
         Collections, remittances and accounting from
         time to time as required, and of all administrative
         details, and that the duties of my said son-in-law
         be rather advisory than executive while both said
         trustees Continue in office
           In case of any vacancy at any time in the Board
         of Trustees, the surviving or remaining

[Written in left Margin:]
James B. Bell
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 May 2021
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