Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 575
                      James B. Bell
Trustees shall have and exercise all the
powers which both could have exercised
until such vacancy be filled.
No Bond or surety shall be required of any person
who may succeed my said trustees or either of them,
unless upon the written request of some person pe-
cuniarily interested in my estate the Judge of Probate
Shall see fit to order such Bond or surety.
Seventh: Full power and authority is hereby given
to Executors by me herein named and to any persons
or person who may succeed them, and to any trustees
or trustee, to Sell and convey any property real
or personal, which may come to such executors or
Executor or to such trustees or trustee hereunder, and
to change any of the investments of any of the
trust property at any time during the continuance
of the trust: to reinvest at any time at their or
his discretion: to sell at public or private Sale
any property which may belong to the trust,
and to make, Execute acknowledge and deliver
suitable deeds or instruments of Conveyance of the
same: and no purchaser or corporation in
whose securities any of the trust property may
at any time be invested shall be in any
way liable for the application of the purchase
Eighth: If any Legacy or succession tax, transfer
tax, or other tax or charge of whatever name or
nature shall be legally payable in this State or
elsewhere upon or in respect to any legacy under
my said will, or in respect to any property
which I may leave such payment is to be
made from the residuary funds of my estate
so that legacies and devises shall be received by
the legatees and devisees in full without any 

[Written in left Margin:]
James B. Bell
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 May 2021
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