Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 577
                    James B. Bell
To the Honorable the Judge of the Probate Court in
and for the County of Suffolk: Respectfully represents
Pitt Dillingham of Boston in said County of Suffolk
and Arthur L. Howard of Cambridge in the County
of Middlesex that James B. Bell (occupation) Physician
who last dwelt in said Boston (Street and No) 178
Commonwealth Avenue died on the twenty-sixth day
of September in the year of our Lord one thousand
nine hundred and fourteen posessed of Goods and
estate remaining to be administered, leaving no
widow, and as his only heirs at Law and next-of
kin, the persons whose names, residences and relation-
ship to the deceased are as follows viz:
        name                         residence
Florence Bell Dillingham     178 Commonwealth Avenue Boston
Mass.     daughter
Samuel Robinson Bell, 178 Commonwealth Ave Boston Mass.
Son (an Insane person)
That said deceased left a Will herewith presented, wherein
your petitioners are named executors and wherein
the testator has requested that Your Petitioners be
exempt from giving a surety in their Bonds.
Wherefore your petitioners pray that said Will
may be proved and allowed and letters
testamentary issued to them without giving a
surety on their^Bonds and certify that the statements
herein contained are true to the best of their Knowledge
and belief.
  Dated this 28th day of September A.D. 1914
                     Pitt Dillingham
                     Arthur L. Howard
Suffolk: ss, Subscribed and sworn to this 28th day of
September, A.D. 1914.
         Before me, George M. Amerige Justice of the Peace
The undersigned, being all the persons interested in the
estate who are of full age and legal capacity, other

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 May 2021
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