Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 596
                      William Carric Moore
Monday Morning August 2nd 1915.
State of Tennessee
Knox County.
             Be it remembered that at a
regular Term of the County Quorum Court
held for the County of Knox at the Court
House in Knoxville, on the first Monday
of August, 1915, it being the 2nd day of
said month, present and presiding the Hon
R.A. Brown County Judge &c and Court
being legally opened by Jno H. Blankenship
High Sheriff of Knox County for the transaction
of business, when the following proceedings
were had and entered of record to wit

Friday Morning August 6th 1915.
  Court met pursuant to adjournment, present
and presiding the Hon R.A. Brown County Judge &c
when the following were had and entered of
Record to wit:                         Carric
In Re Last Will and Testament of William ^
Moore, deceased.
       Be it remembered that on this 6th day
of August 1915, before the Hon R.A. Brown Judge of the
County Court of Knox County, Mrs Helen Gertrude
Moore the person named Executrix therein produced
in open Court, a paper writing purporting to
be the last Will of William Carric Moore
lately deceased bearing date May 15,1901, having
the name of William Carric Moore signed thereto
and being subscribed by W.L. Culver, B.B. Culver
and F.T. Neal as attesting Witnesses, and moved
the Court that the same be admitted to probate
and record as the last will of the said William
Carric Moore deceased: and it appearing to the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 2 June 2021
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