Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 597
Court from the testimony of the said F.T. Neal
one of the subscribing witnesses, that said paper
writing was written in the lifetime of the said^
Carrick Moore and signed by him, and subscribed
in his presence and at his request by the said
F.T. Neal and W.L. Culver and B.B. Culver as attesting
witnesses and that the said W.S. Culver and B.B. Culver are
non-residents of the State of Tennessee are without the
Jurisdiction of this Court, and that said instrument
was executed by said William Carric Moore on
the day its bears date, as and for his last
will and testament, and that he was at the
time of sound mind and disposing memory
and it further appearing that the said William
Carric Moore lately died in St Louis, MO, but
that his usual place of residence at the time of
his death was in Knox County, Tenn, and it is
so adjudged And it is further adjudged and declared
by the Court that said instrument is the true last
will and testament of the said William Carric Moore
deceased, and the Clerk is directed to file and record
the same. The said Helen Gertrude Moore,
named as Executrix therein and who was excused
by said Testator from giving Bond, was then duly
Sworn to perform the Will of the said Testator
And was duly qualified as such Executrix and
assumed the trust to administer the said estate
as imposed in her by said will and by law
governing the management of estates of deceased
persons, and the Clerk of this the County Court
of Knox County, Tenn, is hereby directed to
issue to said Helen Gertrude Moore letters
of Executrix as provided by law.

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 2 June 2021
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