Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 606
                 Warren K. Bartleson
       State of Florida }
       County of Duval  }  ss
                     In The Name of God: Amen:
       1.  I, Warren K. Bartleson, of the City of Jacksonville
       2.  County and State aforesaid, being of Sound and disposing mind,
Will   3.  memory and discretion, with full Consideration of the objects
       4.  of my bounty, and well knowing the nature and value of
       5.  the property subject to my disposition, with full capacity
       6.  to act in the premises, do make, publish and declare this
       7.  my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making null
       8.  and void all and any other last Will and testament by me
       9.  heretofore made.
       10. First and principally, I commit my Soul unto God, who gave
       11. it, and my body to the earth to be interred at and by the
       12. direction of my beloved wife. Amelia Bartleson, if living
       13. or in the event that she should not then be living at and
       14. by the direction of such of My children who may be then
       15. living and present at My death.
       16.   And as to my worldly estate and all the property,
       17. real, personal and mixed, of which I shall die seized and
       18. posessed and to which I shall be entitled at the time of
       19. my death. And also that to which my estate shall be entitled
       20. by reason of my death, I give bequeath, devise and dispose
       21. thereof in manner and form following.
       22.   First: I direct that My funeral and all other expenses
       23. incurred during my last sickness be paid as soon after
       24. my death as can conveniently be done, out of the first
       25. monies that shall be realized from my personal estate.
       26.   Second: I hereby give, bequeath and devise all my
       27. property, real, personal and mixed to and unto H. Amelia
       28. Bartleson, my beloved wife, if she be living, and in the
       29. event of her death during my lifetime, I give bequeath and
       30. devise all my property, real personal and mixed or the
       31. proceeds thereof, to and unto (1) Sarah Margaret Allen

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 27 August 2021
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