Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 607
32.  (2) Charles W. Bartleson, (3) John F. Bartleson, (my three children
33.  and (4) Thomas V. Porter, as trustee for the Sole
34.  use, benefit and behoof of Mark D. Bartleson, Junior, (only
35.  and minor child of y deceased son, Mark D. Bartleson), upon
36.  the trusts and conditions hereinafter set forth, if my said
37.  children and grandchild are living at the time of my death,
38.  and to and unto the issue then living of such of them as
39.  shall then be dead leaving issue of any of
41.  the above name legatees, devisees and beneficiaries takes,
42.  or take between or among them, only the share which his
43.  her or their parent would have taken if living,
44.     Provided, however, and it is my will and I direct
45.  that in the event at the time of my death, my grandchild
46.  Mark D. Bartleson, Junior, has attained the age of twenty-
47.  one (21) years, that the whole of his share of my estate
48.  so given, bequeathed and devised to him, shall vest in, issue
49.  to, or the proceeds thereof be paid to him, without the
50.  interposition of any trustee or trustees, as if none had
51.  been named for him.
52.      Third: In the event that the said Mark D. Bartleson,
53.  Junior, my grandchild, is living and not of age at the
54.  time of my death, it is my will and I direct that the said
55.  Thomas V. Porter, my trustee, take, receive go into
56.  posession of, and collect the rents, issues and proffits
57.  from that share of my estate of whatever nature and where-
58.  ever situate, or the proceeds thereof, given, bequeathed
59.  and devised to him, as trustee and have and hold the same
60.  in trust for the sole use, benefit and behoof of my said
61.  grand child, Mark D. Bartleson, Junior, until he shall attain
62.  the age of twenty-one (21) years, in my said trustee's
63.  absolute discretion and Judgment, to invest to pay all,
64.  or any part of the income from said property and the invest-
65.  ment thereof, and from time to time, when my trustee shall
66.  think fit and deem best, to pay any part of the capital thereof,

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 5 September 2021
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